Code of Conduct for Coaches and Volunteers

Code of Conduct for Coaches and Volunteers.pdf

Goodrich Soccer Club

Code of Conduct for Coaches & Volunteers

This code of ethics has been developed to clarify and distinguish approved and accepted professional, ethical, and moral behavior from that which is detrimental to the development of the sport of soccer. As a Coach or Volunteer representing Goodrich Soccer Club (GSC) I agree to the following:

Responsibility to the Players:

  1. I will never place the value of winning over the safety and welfare of players. Winning should be the result of preparation and discipline with emphasis placed on the highest ideals and character traits.
  2. I will instruct players to play within the written laws of the game and within the spirit of the game at all times.
  3. I will not seek unfair advantage by teaching deliberate unsportsmanlike behavior to players.
  4. I will not tolerate inappropriate behavior from players regardless of the situation.
  5. I will not make demands on players’ time as to interfere with academic goals and progress. Motivation for excellence should include academics as well as athletics.
  6. I will never encourage players to violate recruitment rules, eligibility, or guest player rules and policies.
  7. I will under no circumstances authorize or encourage the use of medicinal or performance enhancing drugs. Players should be directed to seek proper medical attention for injures and to follow the physician’s instructions regarding treatment and recovery. At no time should a player be put at risk by returning from injury prematurely or by being forced to play while injured.

Responsibility to the Laws of the Game:

  1. I will be acquainted with and demonstrate a working knowledge of the laws of the game of soccer appropriate for the age group they are coaching. I will also be responsible to ensure that my players understand the intent as well as the application of the laws.
  2. I will adhere to the letter and spirit of the laws of the game.
  3. I am responsible for my players’ actions on the field and must not permit them to perform with the intent of causing injury to opposing players.
  4. I will strive constantly to teach good sporting behavior.

Responsibility to the GSC Club:

  1. I will honor and respect the processes of the GSC bylaws including the organizational reporting structure, decisions of the GSC Board which includes but is not limited to daily club operations, Recreational League Operations, future development planning and the alliance with the Michigan Arrows Soccer Club.
  2. Proposals about changes to the club should be given in a positive, collaborative manor verbally or in writing to the club volunteers who are in charge of that area in their organization and also to the parents who may not have any volunteer roles. It is that club volunteer's role to move the suggestions and concerns forward at formal or informal meetings they attend to consider and coordinate in a positive way with the overall volunteer organization's operation.
  3. All contact with the Goodrich schools with regard to the GSC issues will be directed through the Fields Manager or the Communications Manager .
  4. I will submit all expense and deposit requests to the GSC treasurer with a minimum of 5 days notice before the action is expected to be executed. The volunteers who are involved in processing expenses should be alerted to any special cases well in advance to allow them to plan their time to act and still follow the club's financial processes.

Responsibility to Officials:

GSC Document #303, Rev. date – 9/14/2013 Page 1 of 2

Code of Conduct for Coaches & Volunteers:

  1. I will always refrain from criticizing officials in the presence of players. Officials must have the support of coaches, players, and spectators. Criticism of officials undermines their purpose in the game.
  2. I will strive to develop a line of communication with officials, giving each an opportunity to better understand the problems relating to their specific area. This shall not be taken as encouragement to debate referee decisions during the match.
  3. I agree to treat all officials with respect before, during, and after the game. Officials should be addressed as “Referee” or “Mr./Ms. Referee” and not by name. Professional respect should be mutual and there should be no demeaning dialogue or gesture between official, coach or player. Coaches must not incite players or spectators or attempt to disrupt the flow of play.
  4. I agree to put in writing all comments regarding an official and send them to the GSC Referee Director or Travel or Recreational Club Director.

Game Day and Other Responsibilities:

  1. A coach’s behavior must be such as to bring credit to himself, his organization, and the sport of soccer. This is never more evident than on the day of the contest.
  2. Rival coaches should meet prior to the game and exchange friendly or professional greetings. While the concept of rivalry is wholly embraced, it cannot take precedence over exemplary professional conduct.
  3. During play, coaches have a responsibility to be as inconspicuous as possible.
  4. Coaches shall exhibit a respectful attitude towards players. The coach must confine him/herself to the coaching area. The attitude of the coach towards officials, spectators, opposing players and coaches should be controlled and undemonstrative.
  5. It shall be unethical for a coach to have any verbal altercation with an opposing coach or bench during the game. Hostile physical contact with a player is considered highly unethical.
  6. The coaches foremost post game responsibility is his/her team.
  7. Coaches will discourage any negative spectator behavior and refer spectators / parents to the Parent Code of Conduct.

Conduct Disciplinary Actions:

I understand as a coach or volunteer my actions/behavior are subject to the authority of or may be reviewed by the Recreational or Travel Club Director, Operating Club President or any GSC Board of Director. I also agree that if I fail to abide by the aforementioned rules and guidelines, I will be subject to disciplinary action that could include, but is not limited to the following:

  1. Verbal warning by official, Recreational or Travel Club Director, Operating Club President or any GSC Board of Director.
  2. Written warning from the Recreational or Travel Club Director, Operating Club President or any GSC Board of Director will be kept on file for future reference.
  3. Suspension from the Goodrich Soccer Club with written documentation of the incident kept on file by Goodrich Soccer Club.
  4. Removal from the club

Actions will be taken based on the severity of the incidence and your previous history with the club. Continued disregard for these volunteer expectations will be seen as disruptive to the collaborative volunteer operation that the club needs to function successfully. This can result in a decision to remove a volunteer from our organization.

The content of this document was approved by formal vote by the GSC board of directors in a quarterly meeting.

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